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  She wished. Kassie worked her hips beneath him, urging him into the rhythm she wanted. God, she loved the feel of him. The way he had taken control of her tonight, tying her up for both their pleasure, thrilled her. They had taken a big step, moved into a new territory, and there was no going back.

  He kissed her, his tongue flicking against hers. Kassie kissed back with all the wild passion coursing through her. He slowed his pace, fucking her in a series of long, delicious thrusts that nearly brought her to the brink again. She gasped into his mouth and he took advantage, his tongue sinking into hers in perfect time to his cock rocking into her pussy. Again and again.

  Just when she was about to climax, he withdrew from her entirely. He dragged his lips down her neck, then over her breasts, latching on to her nipple again. Kassie felt bereft, empty, her heart pounding, her body needing completion. She tried to reach between them to guide his cock back into her, but he stopped her, raising his head to meet her gaze.

  “I want to fuck you from behind,” he told her, rocking her to her core.

  “Yes.” Kassie rolled over onto her stomach, getting onto her knees. “Fuck me however you want.”

  He made a noise in his throat, and then she felt his hands at her waist. He pressed a series of kisses from her lower back up her spine until he reached her ear. “God, Kassie. I want you so damn bad.”

  “Take me,” she urged, backing her hips into his, more than ready. She needed. Wanted. It was overwhelming, the pleasure, the ache, the pure, unadulterated desire that started between her legs and ricocheted through her entire body. He rubbed his fingers over her slit, teasing her, before sinking into her again.

  More, was all she could think. More and yes, please, yes. She wasn’t sure if she was even saying the words aloud or if they were only in her head. As he fucked her fast and deep, reaching her G-spot, Kassie lost control, coming in a series of mind-altering spasms.

  He cried out and pumped into her again and again, grinding against her as he came. She backed into him, taking every inch, wishing the connection they shared could go on forever.

  When at last they were both spent, they collapsed as one onto her bed, their breathing harsh. Jax’s heart beat a rapid staccato against her back. His arms came around her, holding her tight against him. He kissed her ear, then her cheek. She snuggled into him, feeling secure and happy as she hadn’t in a very long time. Possibly ever.

  And it was then that she realized it.

  She was in love. With a man who had been in her life all of three weeks.

  Chapter Six

  Jax sat across from Kassie at her small, glass-topped dining table, a plate of reheated and delicious-smelling lasagna before him. She was adorable, with her hair mussed from their wild sex session earlier and her gorgeous body on full display. At his request, she was naked. They both were, sitting there together without any barriers between them as if it were an everyday occurrence. Not that Jax didn’t intend on making it one. The more time he spent with Kassie the better, and if she just happened to be naked too, then who was he to complain?

  He was damn glad for the glass. It gave him an unobstructed view of her curvy legs and the top of her smooth pussy. His mouth started watering, and it had little to do with her lasagna and everything to do with the woman herself.

  His woman.

  Yeah, he’d decided that he was done trying to take it easy when it came to the way he felt about her. There was no stopping a speeding bullet train on a dime. Everything about being with her felt so good, so right. So easy. All the pieces of his puzzle seemed to suddenly fit together when he was with her.

  “What?” Kassie made a face at him, dragging him out of the depths of his thoughts and back into reality. “You’re staring at me.”

  There was a good reason for that. She was beautiful, and he didn’t think he could ever get enough of her. “Was I?” His gaze lowered from her face to her luscious breasts. He just couldn’t help it. Her nipples were hard and begging for his mouth. “It’s your fault. You’re not wearing any clothing.”

  “And that’s your fault,” she pointed out. “I’m just playing along.”

  He grinned at her. “Have you ever eaten dinner naked before?”

  She blushed. He liked that she did that. The way her cheeks got all pink made him hot and bothered. “You know I haven’t.”

  “You must’ve been living under a rock, darlin’,” he teased. He hoped she was enjoying life here in Atlantic. It must have been a culture shock for her, going from the big city to a town with barely any stoplights. But she took everything in stride. Even his case of the nerves. She’d forgiven him with ease, and he was as grateful for it as he was determined to make it up to her.

  “I’m starting to think so.” The expression on her face was impossible to read. For the moment, at least, her open book was closed. “How often have you eaten dinner in the nude?”

  Jax thought of life with Mandy. She hadn’t been nearly as adventurous, and he surely never would have gotten her to sit in the buff and share dinner. He loved that Kassie was confident enough in herself to humor him. And he loved that she was naked.

  “Many times,” he told her truthfully. The look on her face shifted ever so slightly, and he thought he read her mind. “On my own only,” he assured her.

  “Good.” She smiled and it transformed her features from pretty to unbelievably beautiful. “I like the idea of having a completely fresh start in everything.”

  She could say that again. Kassie was like a naked swim in the ocean, Mandy like a noontime swim in a public pool. He raised the glass of wine she’d poured for him in a toast. “Here’s to all the naked dinners ahead of us.”

  Their glasses clinked. Jesus, she was beautiful. He was getting hard just looking at her, never mind that they’d had mind-bending sex not half an hour before and he should be spent. He was ready to go another round.

  Damn it. He had to slow down. His body needed sustenance.

  He took a bite of lasagna and his taste buds thanked him for finally finding a woman who could cook. Saints be praised. “This is out-of-this-world good, Kassie.”

  “Thank you.” She beamed, easy to please. “It’s my grandmother’s recipe.”

  Everything about the woman before him screamed take-me-home-to-your-mama. Well, except for the fact that she was buck-ass naked. She’d have to wear clothes to meet his mother. But there was no doubt in his mind that was the next step for them. He was serious about her. About them. About everything. It was a sobering realization. He’d thought Mandy had cured him of the desire to settle down with a woman, to trust and love again. But Kassie was hell-bent on proving him wrong.

  “My thanks to your grandmama for passing it on,” he said appreciatively after he swallowed another forkful.

  “She’d be happy to know that I’m sharing it with someone special,” Kassie murmured, her voice taking on a wistful tone.

  He sensed something deeper to her words. “Has she passed on?”

  “Five years ago,” Kassie confirmed. “My dad’s mom. My dad died when I was just a kid, so she was the last piece I had of him. We were close.”

  Ah, hell. He hadn’t meant to dredge up any sadness for her. He reached across the table, covering her hand with his and giving it a squeeze. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Don’t be. She had a long, happy life. We had a lot of great years.” She smiled. “She even came to visit me in New York. You should’ve seen her on the subway. She’d hold on to the handrail with a tissue because she was afraid of the germs.”

  Jax smiled back at her, glad she had the happy memories. His parents were both the youngest children of large families, and their parents were long gone. He had a few fuzzy recollections of them, his Pappy taking him fishing, his Nana baking him cookies and knitting him hats. “I hope she would approve,” he said simply.

  Kassie laughed. “She might ask you to put on some clothes, but I know she would definitely approve.”

  “Speaking of approvi
ng,” he said, grabbing the idea that had been burning inside him for a while now and going with it, “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

  Her eyes fastened on his, wide. “What is it?”

  He almost grinned at the instant worry on her face, but bit it back. It would be unfair of him to tease her, no matter how much he wanted to. There would be plenty of time for that later. “How would you feel about meeting my parents?”

  Kassie stared. “Your parents?”

  He decided to take the easy route and erase the crease between her eyebrows. He preferred to see her smile. “You know, the people who raised me?”

  “Very funny.” She took a sip of wine. For fortification, he guessed. “I’m just surprised. After the dinner with your brothers—”

  “Forget about that.” Guilt skewered him anew at the reminder. He never should have listened to Connor, damn it. He never should have allowed his old fears to get the best of him. “I’m having my parents over for dinner this weekend. Just the two of them. And I’d like you to be there.”

  “Wow.” She looked a little shell-shocked. “Are you sure this isn’t just the glow talking?”

  She had him stumped. He thought that was a phrase solely applicable to pregnant women. “The glow?”

  “The post-coital glow,” she clarified, revealing herself as a word nerd.

  Jax liked that Kassie had an impressive set of smarts. An intelligent woman was a huge turn-on for him. “No. It’s not just the glow. I want you to meet my parents, and I want them to meet you.”

  But Kassie wasn’t convinced. “Didn’t your last attempt to blend me with the family teach you any lessons?”

  He ate another bite of her insanely good lasagna. “Only that I need to keep you far away from Slade. He’s got a crush on you, mark my words.”

  Kassie made a face. “He does not. He barely tolerated me. Same with Connor.”

  “It’s common knowledge that the most difficult Taylor brother is Connor,” Jax agreed easily. He knew his brother’s faults better than anyone. They’d been best friends their whole lives. “But Slade loved you. Really.”

  “Me or the chocolate cake?” she asked, ever the perceptive one.

  “Both,” he decided. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter what my brothers think of you. All that matters is what I think of you.”

  Kassie pulled her hand from beneath his at last, growing serious. “And what do you think of me, Jax Taylor?”

  That she was the best damn thing he’d ever lucked into. But he kept that to himself. He gave her a good, solid look, taking her in from her mussed brown locks to her dainty feet crossed at the bare ankle. In between was pretty damn tempting too, but he tried not to linger on the parts that called his dick to attention. He was attempting to engage in a serious conversation here. “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I’m damn lucky to be having a naked dinner with you.” Then his baser nature kicked in. He couldn’t help it. “Not to mention that you have the most tempting nipples I’ve ever seen, all pretty and pink, waiting for my mouth. And your pussy. I could lick your pussy for days.” The mere thought had his cock rigid, despite his best intentions.

  “Ha.” She flashed him the smile he loved. “And you kiss your mama with those lips?”

  “I sure do.” He gave Kassie a look of approval. “Looks like we’re making a country girl of you after all. I like it.”

  It was her turn to grin. “I guess it’s wearing off on me.”

  * * * * *

  “Relax, baby.” Jax’s voice was a welcome, low rumble in Kassie’s ear.

  She exhaled and leaned back into his strong frame. His hands instantly went to her waist, drawing her against him even more. Her knife clattered to the cutting board, forgotten. She was in the midst of chopping vegetables for a salad, trying to tone down the case of crazy nerves that had been threatening to consume her ever since he’d first suggested meeting his parents. “How did you know?” she asked, wondering how he could read her better than she could herself sometimes. She didn’t even need to say the words aloud, and he was there for her, ready.

  He kissed her ear. “You look like you’re about to step into the ring.” His knowing hands went to her shoulders, kneading the tight muscles there.

  That felt good. Too good. And Kassie was instantly wishing them naked and in bed rather than about to entertain his parents. “I want them to like me,” she said, feeling pathetic. But she was half afraid that if things didn’t go well, he’d pull another stunt like last time and get cold feet on her.

  She was supposed to be the one with cold feet. Just ask Adam.

  Oh God. She hoped they didn’t know she’d been engaged in the not-so-distant past. Nothing would make a mother’s alarm go off better than a juicy tidbit like that. For the millionth time, she wondered what to expect. If they were anything like Jax, they would be easy to get along with, charming and kind.

  “They’ll love you just like I do,” Jax assured her.

  Just like I do.

  Even though she knew it was a figure of speech, a warmth unfurled low in Kassie’s belly at his words. “I hope so,” she forced herself to say.

  “Well hopefully not in exactly the same way,” he said on a chuckle as he pressed his hard cock into her ass. “Damn, you smell good.”

  “Oh.” Bad man. He was soaking her panties with his parents due to show up any minute. She couldn’t resist arching into him so that he settled right where she wanted. Well, where she wanted without the intervening layers of his jeans and her dress. “You really shouldn’t,” she admonished him as much as herself.

  But his wicked lips had made a trail of fire down the side of her neck. He kissed the curve where her shoulder met her throat, his tongue flicking out to taste her skin. “Why not? They always ring the doorbell.”

  She guessed with a son like Jax, they’d have to. But she didn’t want to think about him with other women, of whom she was certain there were legions. A man couldn’t look like him, kiss like him, make love like him, without having left a trail of hearts in his wake. “Because if you keep touching me like this, I’m going to want to go upstairs rather than keep making the salad that’s supposed to be waiting on the table when they arrive.”

  “What’s so wrong with that?” he drawled, his hands sliding around her to cup her breasts.

  Absolutely nothing, her body said.

  Oh yes. Her nipples tightened instantly, eager for his every touch even through layers of fabric and lace. She was always ready for him. Every time she was with him was more exciting than the last. She’d spent the night at his house, had woken up to make him breakfast in bed. They’d had sex three times in the past twenty-four hours. But that hardly mattered when he worked his sinful magic on her. She was helpless to fight it.

  “Everything,” she made herself say even as she tilted her head to the side to allow him better access. “I don’t want your mother to take one look at me and know.”

  “Know what?” he asked, his voice teasing.

  “You know.” He pinched her nipples, sending a delicious streak of pleasure directly to her pussy. “Ah, you’re bad. Very bad.”

  “It’s your fault,” he accused without heat. His fingers trailed lower, down over her hip bone to snag the hem of her dress and yank it upward. He flicked his thumb ever so lightly over her clit.

  Kassie moaned, jerking into him. After all the lovemaking they’d been doing, it didn’t take much for the fire inside her to be stoked into a raging blaze. Which wasn’t good. She forced herself to step to the side and out of the hot shelter of his embrace. “We can’t, Jax. This is important.” She looked at him, her gaze zeroing in on the huge ridge behind his fly. “Look at you. You can’t have a hard-on when you open the door to greet your parents.”

  How horrifying would that be? How completely embarrassing? No matter how tempting Jax was, there was no way Kassie was giving in to her lust. Not this time. She was determined to do this meeting-the-parents thing the rig
ht way.

  He grinned, those dimples of his making him look even more devastatingly sexy than he already did. “It’s going to be difficult not to, darlin’. I have one whenever you’re around.”

  Her cheeks went hot. Damn it. He was making this way more difficult than it had to be. “Stop saying things like that, and stop touching me.” She closed her eyes, forcing her racing heart to calm down. “We have to behave.”

  “Why do I feel as if you’re always telling me that? Besides, behaving isn’t any fun.”


  “Fine.” Still grinning, he held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I think I just heard their car anyway.”

  “Shit.” She smoothed down her hair and adjusted her skirt. “I’m not done with the salad yet.”

  “Relax,” he said again, looking beautiful and at ease in his button-down shirt and jeans. “Mama will help with the salad while Dad and I work the grill.”

  She swallowed. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. The only grilling Mama will want to be doing is you.”

  The doorbell rang. Her heart leapt into her throat. “What?”

  “Kidding.” He was actually laughing at her expense, the brat. “You’ll do just fine, baby. Be yourself and relax.” He held out his hands to her. “Come with me to answer the door?”

  Feeling almost as if she were about to jump out of a plane, she stepped forward and laced her fingers through his. Playing house with him was about to go to the next level. But she could do it. Right?


  She’d braved telling Adam’s formidable mother about breaking off the engagement and needing to cancel wedding plans herself. That had been a fate infinitely worse. Adam’s mother was a first-class bitch.

  “Just breathe, darlin’.”

  “Okay,” she said, allowing him to lead her to the front door.

  He stopped, giving her hand a squeeze with his other hand poised over the handle. His gaze was bright and concerned on hers. “You ready?”